




*”michal” (/mᵻˈxɑːl/; Hebrew: מיכל‎‎  [miˈχal]) was, according to the Book of Samuel, a daughter of Saul, king of Israel, who loved and became the first wife of David, (1 Samuel 18:20-27) who later became king of Judah, and later still of the united kingdom of israel*


Michal’s story is recorded in the Book of Samuel, where it is said in 1 Samuel 18:20 that Michal loved David. It does not indicate whether this is reciprocated. It is told that she chose the welfare of David over the wishes of her father. When Saul’s messengers were searching for David in order to kill him, Michal sent them away while pretending he was ill and laid up in bed. She let David down through a window and hid teraphim in his bed as a ruse.

J. Cheryl Exum points out that although she risked her life in helping him, after he leaves the court, he makes no attempt to contact her.

Whilst David was hiding for his life, Saul gave Michal as a wife to Palti, son of Laish, and David took several other wives, including Abigail. (1 Samuel 25:43-44) Later when David became king of Judah and Ish-bosheth Michal’s brother (and Saul’s son) was king of Israel, David demanded her return to him, in return for peace between them. This Ish-bosheth did, despite the public protests of Palti.

Robert Alter observes that by stressing that he had paid the requested bride price, David makes a legal argument as a political calculation to reinforce his legitimacy as a member of the Royal house. Alter notes the contrast between David’s measured negotiations and Palti’s public grief.

After Michal was returned to David, she criticised him because he danced, as he brought the Ark of the Covenant to the newly captured Jerusalem in a religious procession. (2 Samuel 6:14-22)

(unlike Abigail and Bathsheba, Michal is not described as being beautiful, though Rabbinic tradition holds that she was of “entrancing beauty”)








👈👈👈☜*“KING DAVID”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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