










*’mississippi’ is a state located in the southern region of the ‘united states’, with part of its ‘southern border formed by the ‘gulf of mexico’*


(its ‘western border’ is formed by the ‘mississippi river’)

(located in the center of the ‘state’, ‘jackson’ is the ‘state capital’ and ‘largest city’, with a ‘population’ of around ‘175,000 people’)

(the ‘state’ overall has a population of around ‘3 million people’)

(‘mississippi’ is the 32nd most extensive and the 32nd most populous of the ’50 united states’)

(the ‘state’ is heavily forested outside of the ‘mississippi delta area’, between the ‘mississippi’ and ‘yazoo rivers’)

(before the ‘american civil war’, most development in the state was along ‘riverfronts’, where ‘cotton plantations’ were ‘cleared’ and ‘worked’ by ‘slaves’)

(after the ‘war’, the ‘bottomlands’ to the ‘interior’ were cleared mostly by ‘freedmen’)

(by the end of the ‘1800s’, ‘african americans’ made up 2/3 of the ‘property owners’ in the ‘delta’, but ‘timber’ and ‘railroad’ companies acquired much of the land after the ‘financial crisis’ and ‘credit issues’)

(‘clearing’ altered the ‘ecology’ of the ‘delta’, increasing the severity of ‘flooding’ along the ‘mississippi’)

(much land is now held by ‘agribusinesses’)

(a largely ‘rural state’ with agricultural areas dominated by ‘industrial farms’, ‘mississippi’ is ranked low or last among the states in such measures as ‘health’, ‘educational attainment’, and ‘median household income’)

(the state’s ‘catfish aquaculture farms’ produce the majority of ‘farm-raised catfish’ consumed in the ‘united states’)

(since the ‘1930s’ and the ‘great migration’, ‘mississippi’ has been ‘majority white’, albeit with the highest percentage of ‘black residents’ of any U.S. state)

(from the ‘early 19th century’ to the ‘1930s’, its residents were mostly ‘black’, a population that before the ‘american civil war’ was composed largely of “african slaves’)

(in the first half of the ’20th century’, a total of nearly 400,000 rural blacks left the state for work and opportunities in northern and midwestern cities, with another wave of ‘migration’ around ‘world war II’ to ‘west coast cities’)

(in ‘2010’, 37% of ‘mississippians’ were ‘african-americans’, the highest percentage of ‘african-americans’ in any U.S. state)

Since gaining enforcement of their franchise in the late 1960s, most African Americans support Democratic candidates in local, state and national elections.

(‘conservative whites’ have shifted to the ‘republican party’)

(‘african americans’ are a majority in many counties of the ‘mississippi-yazoo Delta, an area of historic settlement during the ‘plantation era’)


(since ‘2011’, ‘mississippi’ has been ranked as the “most religious state in the country”)






👈👈👈☜*“COLONIAL AMERICA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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