*monica lewinsky*

(10 MARCH 2015)
*age 41*


*born ’23 july 1973’*


*”monica samille lewinsky” is an american [‘activist’ / ‘television personality’ / ‘fashion designer’ / (former) ‘white house intern’] with whom ‘president bill clinton’ admitted to having had what he called an “inappropriate relationship” while she worked at the ‘white house’ in ‘1995’/’1996’*


(the ‘affair’ and its ‘repercussions’ (which included clinton’s impeachment) became known as the ‘lewinsky scandal’)

(as a result of the ‘scandal’, ‘lewinsky’ gained ‘worldwide celebrity status’; she subsequently engaged in a variety of ventures including “designing a line of handbags under her name”, “being an advertising spokesperson for a diet plan”, “working as a television personality”, and then “leaving the public spotlight to pursue a ‘master’s degree’ in ‘psychology’ in ‘london’)

(she was also publicly ridiculed on the ‘internet’ regarding the scandal, and in ‘2014’ returned to ‘public view’ as a ‘social activist’, discussing the scandal’s effects and speaking out against ‘cyberbullying’)








👈👈👈☜*“FAMOUS MONICAS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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