

(aka “brainwashed little girls with daddy issues”)


*founder* –>



-‘mormons’ are a ‘religious/cultural’ group related to ‘mormonism’, the principal branch of the Latter Day Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity, which began with Joseph Smith in upstate New York during the ‘1820s’-


(after smith’s death in ‘1844’, the ‘mormons’ followed ‘brigham young’ to what would become the ‘utah territory’) 

Today, most Mormons are understood to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).

Some Mormons are also either independent or non-practicing.

The center of Mormon cultural influence is in Utah, and North America has more Mormons than any other continent, though the majority of Mormons live outside the United States.

Mormons have developed a strong sense of communality that stems from their doctrine and history.

During the 19th century, Mormon converts tended to gather to a central geographic location, and between 1852 and 1890 a minority of Mormons openly practiced plural marriage, a form of religious polygamy.

Mormons dedicate large amounts of time and resources to serving in their church, and many young Mormons choose to serve a full-time proselytizing mission.

Mormons have a health code which eschews alcoholic beverages, tobacco, coffee, tea, and other addictive substances.

They tend to be very family-oriented, and have strong connections across generations and with extended family, reflective of their belief that families can be sealed together beyond death.

Mormons also have a strict law of chastity, requiring abstention from sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage and fidelity within marriage.

Mormons self-identify as Christian, although some non-Mormons consider Mormons non-Christian and some of their beliefs differ from mainstream Christianity.

Mormons believe in the Bible, as well as other books of scripture, such as the Book of Mormon.

They have a unique view of cosmology, and believe that all people are spirit-children of God.

Mormons believe that returning to God requires following the example of Jesus Christ, and accepting his atonement through ordinances such as baptism.

They believe that Christ’s church was restored through Joseph Smith and is guided by living prophets and apostles.

(central to ‘mormon faith’ is the belief that ‘god’ speaks to his ‘children’ and answers their ‘prayers’)


(due to their high ‘birth’ and ‘conversion’ rates, the mormon population has grown significantly in recent decades rising from around ‘3 million’ in 1970 to (over) ’15 million’ in ‘2015’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥