*music contests*











(i was never the star of my elementary school plays)

i was never the star of my church plays…

i performed a saxophone duet @ my fourth grade band concert
(with megan schneider)
(it didn’t sound so good)

in sixth grade i sang a solo in the “pocahontas” medley @ our chorus concert

in eighth grade i played “albert peterson” in the school play “bye bye birdie”

i performed @ my high school’s talent shows + musicfests
(i played a guitar solo @ my junior year talent show in a jazz ensemble)
(we won “best instrumental performance”)

in freshman year of college, i was selected to perform at the orientation week “talent show”.  

but my band wasn’t selected to play @ “harvard yale battle of the bands” nor “springfest”…

at least we started booking gigs of our own…

in sophomore year of college, my band was selected to perform @ the “harvard yale battle of the bands”…we weren’t selected to play @ “springfest”…

(in my last year of college, i wasn’t even selected to play @ the graduating class’s ‘talent show’)

(to be ‘fair’, i did spend most of my final ‘scholastic year’ in my room)



👈👈👈☜*“JOGA-LIVE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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