
-as of [20 SEPTEMBER 2024]


(aka ‘non-ionising’)

(testament of british avoidance of the letter ‘z’)
(“close enough…”)

(much like their ‘AR’ spoken as “AH”)



(from ‘high frequency’ / ‘low wavelength’…)
(most ‘dangerous’)


(…‘low frequency’ / ‘high wavelength’)
(least ‘dangerous’)














-‘non-ionizing’  radiation refers to any type of ‘electromagnetic radiation’ that does not carry enough ‘energy’ per ‘quantum’ (aka ‘photon energy’) to ionize ‘atoms’ or ‘molecules’ — that is, to completely remove an ‘electron’ from an ‘atom’ or ‘molecule’


(instead of producing ‘charged ions’ when passing through ‘matter’, the ‘electromagnetic radiation’ has sufficient ‘energy’ only for ‘excitation’ (or the movement of an ‘electron’ to a higher ‘energy state’)

(‘ionizing radiation’ which has a higher ‘frequency’ + ‘shorter wavelength’ than ‘non-ionizing radiation’, has many uses but can be a ‘health hazard’; exposure to it can cause…)


‘radiation sickness’


‘genetic damage’


(using ‘ionizing radiation’ requires elaborate ‘radiological protection measures’ which in general are not required with ‘non-ionizing radiation’)

(the region at which ‘radiation’ becomes considered as “ionizing” is not well-defined, since different ‘molecules’ and ‘atoms’ ionize at different ‘energies’)

(the usual definitions have suggested that ‘radiation’ with ‘particle’ or ‘photon’ energies less than ’10 electron-volts (eV)’ be considered ‘non-ionizing’)

(another ‘suggested threshold’ is ’33 electron-volts’, which is the ‘energy’ needed to ionize ‘water molecules’)

(the ‘light’ from the ‘sun’ that reaches the ‘earth’ is largely composed of ‘non-ionizing radiation’, since the ‘ionizing far-ultraviolet rays’ have been filtered out by the ‘gases’ in the ‘atmosphere’, particularly ‘oxygen’)

“thanks ‘oxygen’!”
“nw we can ‘breathe easy’! (so to speak)…”

(the remaining ‘ultraviolet radiation’ from the ‘sun’ is in the ‘non-ionizing band’, and causes ‘molecular damage’ (for example, ‘sunburn’) by ‘photochemical’ and ‘free-radical-producing’ means that do not ‘ionize’)

(different ‘biological effects’ are observed for different types of ‘non-ionizing radiation’)

(‘upper frequencies’ of ‘non-ionizing radiation’ near these ‘energies’ (much of the ‘spectrum’ of ‘UV light’ and some ‘visible light’) is capable of ‘non-thermal biological damage’, similar to ‘ionizing radiation’)

“beats me…”

(‘health debate’ therefore centers on the ‘non-thermal effects’ of ‘radiation’ of much ‘lower frequencies’ (‘microwave’ / ‘millimeter’ / ‘radiowave’ radiation))

(the “international agency for research on ‘cancer'” recently stated that there could be some risk from ‘non-ionizing radiation’ to ‘humans’)

(but a subsequent study reported that the basis of the ‘IARC evaluation’ was not consistent with observed ‘incidence trends’)

(this and other ‘reports’ suggest that there is virtually no way that results on which the “IARC” based its conclusions are ‘correct’)








👈👈👈☜*“RADIATION”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥