-“occupy wall street” (‘OWS’) was the name given to a ‘protest movement’ that began on ’17 september 2011′, in ‘zuccotti park’, located in new york city’s wall street financial district, receiving ‘global attention’ and spawning the ‘movement’ against ‘economic inequality’ worldwide-
(the canadian ‘anti-consumerist’ (/ ‘pro-environment’) group (/ ‘magazine’) adbusters initiated the ‘call’ for a ‘protest’)
(the ‘main issues’ raised by “occupy wall street” (a ‘name’ as a ‘verb’?) were…)
*’social’ + ‘economic’ inequality*
the ‘perceived undue influence’ of ‘corporations’ on ‘government’
(particularly from the ‘financial services sector’)
(with a (un)healthy current of ‘anti-semitic tropes’)
(the ‘OWS slogan’ (“we are the 99%”) refers to ‘income inequality’ and ‘wealth distribution’ in the ‘united states’ between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population)
(moving from ‘capitalism’ (back to) ‘communism’)
(“oh yea? where’s the rest of you?” said “1 percent”)
(to achieve their ‘goals’, protesters acted on ‘consensus-based decisions’ made in ‘general assemblies’ which emphasized ‘direct action’ over ‘petitioning authorities for redress’)
(the ‘protesters’ were forced out of ‘zuccotti park’ on ’15 november 2011′)
(‘protesters’ turned their focus to occupying…)
‘corporate headquarters’
‘board meetings’
‘foreclosed homes’
‘college’ + ‘university’ campuses
(on ’29 december 2012′, ‘naomi wolf’ of the guardian provided american government documents which revealed that the ‘FBI’ and ‘DHS’ had monitored ‘occupy wall street’ through its ‘joint terrorism task force’, despite labeling it a ‘peaceful movement’)
(“the new york times” reported in ‘may 2014’ that ‘declassified documents’ showed ‘extensive surveillance’ of ‘OWS-related groups’ across the ‘country’)
“meat the new boss…”
“meatheads at heart…”
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥