“patricia pierce”

(my 8th grade math teacher)
(“algebra 1”)

pat(ricia) pierce picked me out in fifth grade.  

she plucked me out of the juette classroom to return to bayberry school and be interviewed by a technology magazine via telephone.  

that was a bit of an ego boost.

an ex-nun turned math teacher, pat pierce’s first love was technology.  

with cold blue eyes, a near-bass voice, and a wholly asexual (even masculine demeanor), she was the most feared educator in valley view.

3 years later, she was my eighth grade algebra I teacher.  

we were given daily homework assignments and she methodically checked every single problem each morning (the first class of the day)…

(she most likely had some serious psychological issues)

but thanks to her class, i aced algebra II with missus renga during my freshman year of high school.  

a 100% average (although with extra credit, i actually argued that my report card should reflect an above-100% grade)…

it was my first class of freshman year…

i later ran into pat pierce @ marino’s pizzeria.  

i was tempted to brag about my success in algebra II but she seemed not to have any interest in how i was doing.  

and we never spoke again…

the reason for her apparent coldness was likely related to the way i handled myself during the summer job she scored for me.  

after eighth grade graduation, she approached mark blumberg and i and offered us jobs as “computer technicians” for the elementary and middle schools.  

(we ended up running into tons of trouble with the jealous summer janitors, headed by the (now deceased) max weber)

(after 2 summers working at this job, we were not asked back after my sophomore year of ‘high school’)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “VALLEY VIEW MATH”*






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