(‘shane ramsay’ hit me up on the ‘joga james fb account’)
(he’s the founder of the ‘internet radio station’)
(so i friended him)
(share 3 mp3s via ‘google drive’)
*14 JULY 2015*
i shared “altamont” with him
(downloaded mp3 off bandcamp site)
(shared link with him via jogalive2020 google drive account)
(waiting for response)
(he’s not a fan of the joga music page)
(he got the invite)
*10 NOVEMBER 2015*
(asked him to let me know when he’s broadcasting “altamont”)
(and that i already “liked” the portland metro records page)
(because i got another invite that day)
his response: “ok thank you”
*15 NOVEMBER 2015*
(asked him to like the fb page)
(he likes 247 artists but not JoGa)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥