"the proto-indo-european language"

*”proto-indo-european” (PIE) is ‘the linguistic re-construction’ of the ‘common ancestor’ of the ‘indo-european languages’*


(there are about 445 living indo-european (IE) languages, with…)











(being the ten indo-european languages with the most native speakers in ‘descending order’)



(since there is no written record of this language, it has been reconstructed using historical linguistics)

(It is thought that Proto-Indo-European may have been spoken as a single language (before divergence began) around 3500 BC, though estimates vary by more than a thousand years.

(the original speakers may have originated in the pontic–caspian steppe of eastern europe, north of the black sea)

(as proto-indo-european speakers became isolated from each other through migration, the language spoken by those groups diverged)

PIE is thought to have had a complex system of morphology that included inflectional suffixes as well as ablaut (vowel alterations, for example sing, sang, sung). Nouns and verbs had complex systems of declension and conjugation respectively.

(attempts have been made to compose example texts, which are educated guesses at best:

*’calvert watkins’ observed in 1969 that in spite of its 150 years’ history, ‘comparative linguistics’ is not in the position to ‘re-construct’ a single well-formed sentence in ‘PIE‘*


“the king + the god”

(short dialogue loosely based on the “king harishcandra” episode of “aitareya brahmana”)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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