*’pyrrhus’ of ‘epirus’*

Pyrrhus MAN Napoli Inv6150 n03.jpg


*the faithfully departed*

(‘319/318 BCE’– ‘272 BCE’)

(died @ ‘age 46’ during a ‘street fight’ in greek city of ‘argos’)

(he was fighting a soldier and the soldier’s mother threw a ’tile’ (?) at him which knocked him off his horse and broke his spine. a macedonian soldier came upon the paralyzed pyyrhus and clumsily beheaded him)




Πύρρος / pyrrhos


(“pyrrhus” was a greek ‘general’ + ‘statesman’ of the “hellenistic period”)


(he was ‘king’ of the greek tribe of ‘molossians’, of the ‘royal aeacid house’ (from c. 297 BC), and later he became ‘king’ of ‘epirus’ (r. ‘306 BC’ – ‘302 BC’ / ‘297 BC’ – ‘272 BC’))

(he was one of the strongest opponents of ‘early rome’)

(some of his battles, though successful, caused him heavy losses, from which the term pyrrhic victory was coined)

(he is the subject of one of plutarch’s “parallel lives”)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥