“right to development”



*the right to development was first recognized in ‘1981’ in ‘article 22′ of the “african charter on human and peoples’ rights” as a definitive ‘individual’/’collective’ right*


“article 22(1)” provides that –>

“all ‘peoples’ shall have the right to their ‘economic’, ‘social’, and ‘cultural’ development with due regard to their ‘freedom’ and ‘identity’ and in the ‘equal enjoyment’ of the ‘common heritage of mankind'”)


(the ‘right to development’ was subsequently proclaimed by the ‘united nations’ in ‘1986’ in the “declaration on the ‘right to development'”, which was adopted by the ‘united nations general assembly’ resolution 41/128)

(the ‘right to development’ is a ‘group right’ of peoples as opposed to an ‘individual right’, and was reaffirmed by the 1993 “vienna declaration and program (NOT ‘programme’ you letter-wasting brits!) of ‘action'”)


(the concept of the ‘right to development’ is controversial, with some ‘commentators’ disputing whether it is a ‘right’ at all)

(reference “all souls exam essay II topic” for further clarification of this viewpoint)


(the meaning of the “right to development” has been elaborated in a # of ‘sources’)

(the “right to development” is now included in the ‘mandate’ of several UN ‘institutions’ and ‘offices’)


(the “preamble’ of the “declaration on the ‘right to development'” states “development is a comprehensive ‘economic’, ‘social’, ‘cultural’, and ‘political process’, which aims at the constant improvement of the well-being of the entire population and of all individuals on the basis of their ‘active’, ‘free’, and ‘meaningful’ participation in ‘development’

and in the ‘fair distribution’ of ‘benefits’ resulting therefrom”








👈👈👈☜*“UNITED NATIONS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥