“satellite radio”



[“satellite radio” is a ‘broad-casting satellite service’…]


[…at least according to article 1.39 of the international telecommunication union´s (ITU) ‘radio regulations’ (‘RR’)]


(the satellite’s signals are broadcast nationwide, across a much wider ‘geographical area’ than ‘terrestrial radio stations’, and the service is primarily intended for the occupants of ‘motor vehicles’)

(it is available by ‘subscription’, mostly ‘commercial-free’, and offers subscribers more ‘stations’ and a wider variety of ‘programming options’ than ‘terrestrial radio’)

(‘satellite radio technology’ was inducted into the “space foundation space technology hall of fame” in ‘2002’)

(‘satellite radio’ uses the 2.3 GHz S band in ‘north america’ for nationwide ‘digital audio broadcasting’ (DAB))

(in other parts of the world, ‘satellite radio’ uses the ‘1.4 GHz L band’ allocated for ‘DAB’)

(‘satellite radio subscribers’ purchase a ‘receiver’ and pay a ‘monthly subscription fee’ to listen to ‘programming’)


(they can listen through… )

*’built-in’ (or ‘portable’) receivers*
(in ‘automobiles’)

*’tabletop’ (or ‘portable’) receiver equipped to connect the ‘receiver’ to a ‘stereo system’*
(in the ‘home’ + ‘office’)

*on the ‘internet’*


(‘ground stations’ transmit signals to the ‘satellites’, which are orbiting over 22,000 miles above the surface of the ‘earth’)

(the satellites send the signals back down to ‘radio receivers’ in ‘cars’ + ‘homes’)

(this signal contains ‘scrambled broadcasts’, along with ‘meta data’ about each specific ‘broadcast’)

(the signals are ‘unscrambled’ by the ‘radio receiver modules’, which display the ‘broadcast information’)

(in urban areas, ‘ground repeaters’ enable signals to be available even if the ‘satellite signal’ is blocked)


(the technology allows for ‘nationwide broadcasting’, so that, for instance US listeners can hear the same stations anywhere in the country)






👈👈👈☜*“RADIO”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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