senior year

(got my driver’s license in october 2001)
(started driving to school in the morning)
(in the ford explorer 2000)
(with michael anthony)

during my senior year of high school, i opted for an “economics / sociology” elective (“economics” first semester / “sociology” last semester).  the classes were taught by a mister peter lubrecht.

this class had the added advantage of putting me in the proximity of attractive underclasswomen.  namely one miss “carli dougherty”.  i don’t recall any “freshwomen” in the class, but there was a plethora of “sophomores” (greek for “acquired skill”).  there was one borderline “plain jane” i didn’t take much notice of then.  one nataly stabenow (possessing a good hearty blonde “middle america” moniker).  i do recall friending her on facebook only to have her message me back questioning the move (“i remember we took a class together, but other than that…”).  many years later, i dreamed of her.  i requested her “services” to the cashier at the local warren convenience store (“krauzer’s” sounds quite german but as usual the cashier/owner was an indian).  my request was ostensibly granted and so we began the transaction in the parking lot behind the store.  but she being a certified “plain jane”, i had to force myself to remain turned on after the initial thrill of conquest was gone (within seconds…)

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