
“SEP tua gint”



(great-grandson of ‘noah’?)
(“oh you have no IDeEeA!”)

(grandson of ‘shem’?)
(son of ‘arpachshad’?)
(father of ‘salah’?)


(from the latin septuaginta / “70”)


-the septuagint is a translation of the ‘hebrew bible’ and some related texts into ‘koine greek’


(as the ‘primary greek translation’ of the ‘old testament’, it is also called the ‘greek old testament’)

(this translation is quoted a number of times in the ‘new testament’ (particularly in ‘pauline epistles’), and also by the ‘apostolic fathers’ and later ‘greek church fathers’)

(the title (greek: Ἡ μετάφρασις τῶν Ἑβδομήκοντα, lit. “the translation of the 70”) and its roman numeral acronym LXX refer to the legendary ’70 jewish scholars’ who solely translated the ‘5 books of moses’ into ‘koine greek’ as early as the ‘3rd century BCE’)

(separated from the ‘hebrew canon of the Jewish Bible in Rabbinic Judaism, translations of the Torah into Koine Greek by early Jewish Rabbis have survived as rare fragments only.

(the traditional story is that ‘ptolemy II’ sponsored the translation of the ‘torah’ (‘pentateuch’ / ‘5 books of moses’)) 

(how do you pronounce “pt”?)
(or “zd” for that matter)
(as in ‘ptolemy’)
(as in ‘zdatny’)

(subsequently, the ‘greek translation’ was in circulation among the ‘alexandrian jews’ who were fluent in ‘koine greek’ but not in ‘hebrew’, the former being the lingua franca of ‘alexandria’, ‘egypt’, and the ‘eastern mediterranean’ at the time)

(the ‘septuagint’ should not be confused with the 7 or more other ‘greek versions’ of the ‘old testament’, most of which did not survive except as fragments (some parts of these being known from origen’s ‘hexapla’, a comparison of 6 translations in adjacent columns, now almost wholly lost)

(of these, the most important are those by ‘aquila’, ‘symmachus’, and ‘theodotion’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE HEBREW BIBLE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥