“serial comma”


“oxford comma”

“harvard comma”

“series comma”


*the serial comma is the ‘comma’ used immediately before a ‘coordinating conjunction’ (usually and or or, sometimes nor) preceding the final item in a list of 3 or more items*


(for example, a list of 3 countries can be punctuated as either “‘portugal’, ‘spain’, and ‘france'” (with the ‘serial comma’) or as “‘portugal’, ‘spain’ and ‘france'” (without the ‘serial comma’))

(opinions vary among ‘writers’ and ‘editors’ on the ‘usage’ or ‘avoidance’ of the ‘serial comma’)

(in ‘american english’, the ‘serial comma’ is standard in most ‘non-journalistic writing’, which typically follows the ‘chicago manual of style’)

(‘journalists’, however, usually follow the ‘AP Stylebook’, which advises against it)

(it is less often used in ‘british english’)

(another reason that ‘american english’ trumps ‘british english’)

(i’m all FOR the ‘harvard’ / ‘oxford’ comma’)

(even if it means adding an extra symbol it is important to separate the final item in the list from the item that came just ‘before’ it)

(in many languages (such as ‘french’ / ‘german’ / ‘italian’ / ‘polish’ / ‘spanish’), the ‘serial comma’ is not the norm)

(it may even go against ‘punctuation rules’)


(but it may be recommended in some cases to avoid ‘ambiguity’ or to aid ‘prosody’)






👈👈👈☜*“GRAMMAR”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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