


*pronounced like a german “ziggy”*
(or ‘iggy’)





(in the ‘völsung cycle’, sigi is the ancestor of the ‘völsung lineage’)


(in the völsunga saga, he is said to be one of the sons of ‘odin’)

(he is also listed among odin’s sons in the ‘nafnaþulur’)

(he had a son called ‘rerir’)

(he was outlawed for murdering a slave who had outdone him in hunting)


(with the help of ‘odin’, ‘sigi’ fled from the land and led successful raids, so much so that he became ‘king of húnaland’, a country name referring both to the territories of the ‘franks’, also known as the hugones or hugas, and the territories of the ‘huns’)

(in his old age, he was killed by his wife’s ‘brothers’ who seized his ‘kingdom’)

(his son ‘rerir’ avenged him)

(‘sigi’ (or siggi) is also mentioned in the prologue of the prose edda, where he is said to have ruled over ‘frakland’ (aka ‘land of the franks’): “odin’s 3rd son is named ‘sigi’, his son ‘rerir'”)


(these the forefathers ruled over what is now called ‘frankland’; and thence is descended the house known as ‘völsungs’)








👈👈👈☜*“ODIN”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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