*single combat*

*’achilles’ in his chariot rides over the body of the slain ‘hector’*

(1815 painting)
(located in the ‘throne room’ of ‘reggia di caserta’)
(‘the royal palace of caserta’)
(southern italian kingdom)

‘the trojan war’
‘achilles’ vs ‘hector’

*painting by ‘antonio raffaele calliano’*
(italian painter)
(1785 – (sometime after) 1824)


(‘single combat’ is a ‘duel’ between 2 single warriors which takes place in the context of a battle between 2 armies)


(often, it is ‘champion warfare’ – with the 2 considered the champions of their respective ‘sides’)

(instances of single combat are known from ‘classical antiquity’ + ‘the middle ages’)

(the ‘champions’ were often combatants who represented larger ‘spectator groups’)

(such ‘representative contests’ + stories thereof are known worldwide)

(typically, it takes place in the ‘no-man’s-land’ between the opposing armies, with other warriors watching / themselves refraining from fighting until 1 of the 2 single combatants has won)

(but ‘single combat’ could also take place within a larger ‘battle’)

(both ‘ancient / medieval’ warfare did not always rely on the [‘line / phalanx’ formation])

(‘the iliad’ notably describes the battles of the ‘trojan war’ as a series of single encounters on the field)

(the medieval code of ‘chivalry’ – [partly inspired by this] – encouraged the ‘single comba’t between individual knights on the battlefield, in which the loser was not usually killed but taken captive for ‘ransom’)


(this tradition ended in the ‘1300s’ due to the use of the ‘long-bow’ + the ‘pike square’ against ‘mounted knights’ (as in ‘battle of crécy’ / ‘battle of laupen’) + the tradition of ‘single combat’ was continued away from the battlefield, with the pas d’armes + the early modern ‘duel’)









👈👈👈☜*“XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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