

-as of [13 JANUARY 2024]-


(Basque: Zuberoa;

Zuberoan Basque: Xiberoa or Xiberua;

Gascon: Sola


soule is a former viscounty and French province and part of the present day Pyrénées-Atlantiques département


(it is divided into two cantons of the arrondissement (district) of Oloron-Sainte-Marie (Mauleon-Licharre and Tardets-Sorholus), and a part of the canton of Saint Palais (arrondissement of Bayonne))

Its provincial capital is Mauléon, which fused with Licharre in 1841 to form “Mauléon-Licharre”, but today is often known as “Mauléon-Soule”. Historically, Soule is the smallest province of the Basque Country (785 km2.).

(its population has been decreasing (23,803 in 1901; 16,006 in 1990; 15,535 in 1999))

(divided into two cantons of the arrondissement of oloron-sainte-marie)

(mauleon-licharre and tardets-sorholus))

















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