“the hellenistic period”

*’323 BCE’ – ’31 BCE’*




(greek general)
(‘319 BC’ – ‘272 BC’)


(the hellenistic period covers the period of ‘mediterranean history’ between the death of ‘alexander the great’ in ‘323 BC’ and the emergence of the “roman empire” as signified by the “battle of actium” in ’31 BC’ and the subsequent conquest of “ptolemaic egypt” the following year)


(at this time, ‘greek cultural influence’ + ‘greek power’ was at its peak in (‘europe’ / ‘africa’ / ‘asia’), experiencing ‘prosperity’ + ‘progress’ in…)

‘the arts’










(it is often considered a period of ‘transition’)

(sometimes even of ‘decadence’ or ‘degeneration’, compared to the ‘enlightenment’ of the “greek classical era’)

(the ‘hellenistic period’ saw the rise of ‘new comedy’, ‘alexandrian poetry’, the ‘septuagint’, and the philosophies of ‘stoicism’ + ‘epicureanism’)

(‘greek science’ was advanced by the works of the mathematician ‘euclid’ and the polymath ‘archimedes’)

(the ‘religious sphere’ expanded to include new ‘gods’ such as the greco-egyptian ‘serapis’, eastern deities such as ‘attis’ + ‘cybele’ and the greek adoption of ‘buddhism’)


(after alexander the great’s invasion of the ‘persian empire’ in ‘330 BC’ and its disintegration shortly after, the ‘hellenistic kingdoms’ were established throughout…)

‘south-west asia’
(‘seleucid empire’ / ‘kingdom of pergamon’)

‘north-east africa’
(‘ptolemaic kingdom’)

‘south asia’
(‘greco-bactrian kingdom’ / ‘indo-greek kingdom’)


(the ‘hellenistic period’ was characterized by a new wave of ‘greek colonization’ which established greek cities + kingdoms in ‘asia’ + ‘africa’)

(this resulted in the export of ‘greek culture’ + language to these new realms, spanning as far as modern-day ‘india’)

(equally, however, these new kingdoms were influenced by the ‘indigenous cultures’, adopting ‘local practices’ where ‘beneficial’, ‘necessary’, or ‘convenient’)

(‘hellenistic culture’ thus represents a fusion of the ‘ancient greek world’ with that of the ‘near east’, ‘middle east’, and ‘southwest asia’)

(this mixture gave rise to a common ‘attic-based greek dialect’ (known as ‘koine greek’), which became the lingua franca through the ‘hellenistic world’)

(‘scholars’ + ‘historians’ are divided as to what event signals the end of the ‘hellenistic era’)

(the ‘hellenistic period’ may be seen to end either with the final conquest of the ‘greek heartlands’ by ‘rome’ in ‘146 BC’ following the ‘achean war’, with the final defeat of the ‘ptolemaic kingdom’ at the ‘battle of actium’ in ’31 BC’, or even the move by roman emperor ‘constantine the great’ of the capital of the ‘roman empire’ to ‘constantinople’ in ‘330 AD’)


(“hellenistic” is distinguished from “hellenic” in that the first encompasses the entire sphere of direct ancient greek influence, while the latter refers to ‘greece’ itself)









👈👈👈☜*“GREECE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥