*the 'king' + the 'god'*

(once there was a ‘king’)

(he was ‘childless’)

(the king wanted a son)

(he asked his priest: “may a son be born to me!”)


(the priest said to the kin: “pray to the god werunos”)


(the king approached the god werunos to pray now to the god)


(“hear me, father werunos!”)


(the god ‘werunos’ came down from ‘heaven’)

(“what do you want?”)


(“i want a son”)

(“let this be so” said the bright god ‘werunos’)


(the king’s lady bore a son)


*”the king the god” (rēḱs deiwoskʷe) is the title of a ‘short dialogue’ composed in the re-constructed ‘proto-indo-european language’*


(it is loosely based on the “king harishcandra” episode of aitareya brahmana (7.14 … 33.2))


(S. K. Sen asked a number of Indo-Europeanists (Y. E. Arbeitman, Eric P. Hamp, Manfred Mayrhofer, Jaan Puhvel, Werner Winter) to reconstruct the PIE “parent” of the text)

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