*the osci*


“AW see”


*’~1000 BCE’ – ‘~509 BCE’*

*~491 YEARS*


“oopsie daisy!”
“the osci””


(also called…)






‘ancient greek’ –>

Όπικοί / Όσκοί


*the osci were an ‘italic people’ of ‘campania’ + ‘latium adiectum’ during ‘roman times’*


(they spoke the ‘oscan’ language, also spoken by the ‘Samnites’ of ‘Southern Italy’)

(although the language of the “Samnites’ was called ‘Oscan’, the ‘Samnites’ were never called ‘Osci’, or the ‘Osci’ ‘Samnites’)

all’s peachy!
all’s peaches n cream!

(traditions of the ‘Opici’ fall into the legendary period of ‘Italian history’, approximately the first half of the first millennium BC, down to the foundation of the ‘Roman Republic’)

(no agreement can be reached concerning their location and language)

(at the end of that time, the Oscan language appeared and was spoken by a number of sovereign tribal states)

(by far the most important in military prowess and wealth was the ‘Samnites’)

(the ‘Samnites’ rivalled ‘Rome’ for about 50 years in the 2nd half of the 4th century BC, sometimes being allies, and sometimes at war with the city, until they were finally subdued with considerable difficulty and were incorporated into the ‘Roman state’)

(between the ‘Samnites’ and the ‘Romans’ were the ‘Oscans’)

(though often eager to go to war, they were never a power to be taken seriously militarily)

(they cost the ‘Romans’ no more than a single battle to defeat on every trial of their prowess)

(their final disposition more closely resembled the farces with which they regaled Roman audiences than a serious war)

(they kept their independence by playing off one state against another, especially the ‘Romans’ and ‘Samnites’)

(that sovereignty fell victim at last in the ‘Second Samnite War’, when prior to invading ‘Samnium’, the ‘Romans’ found it necessary to secure the border tribes)

(after the war, the ‘oscans’ assimilated quickly to ‘roman culture’)


(their memory survived only in ‘place names’ + in ‘literature’)






👈👈👈☜*“THE ROMAN KINGDOM”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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