“the roman republic”



‘latin’ –> res publica romana;

‘classical latin’ –> [ˈreːs ˈpuːb.lɪ.ka roːˈmaː.na])


*’509 BCE’ – ’27 BCE’*

*482 YEARS*


*the ‘roman republic’ was the period of ‘ancient roman civilization’ beginning with the overthrow of the ‘roman kingdom’ – traditionally dated to ‘509 BCE’ – and ending in ’27 BCE’ with the establishment of the ‘roman empire’*


(it was during this period that Rome’s control expanded from the city’s immediate surroundings to hegemony over the entire Mediterranean world)

(during the first two centuries of its existence, the Roman Republic expanded through a combination of conquest and alliance, from central Italy to the entire Italian peninsula)

(by the following century, it included ‘North Africa’, ‘Spain’, and what is now southern ‘France’)

(2 centuries after that, towards the end of the 1st century BC, it included the rest of modern ‘France’, ‘Greece’, and much of the eastern ‘Mediterranean’)

(by this time, internal tensions led to a series of civil wars, culminating with the assassination of ‘Julius Caesar’, which led to the transition from ‘republic’ to ’empire’)

(the exact date of transition can be a matter of interpretation)

(historians have variously proposed Julius Caesar’s crossing of the ‘Rubicon River’ in 49 BC, Caesar’s appointment as dictator for life in 44 BC, and the defeat of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the ‘Battle of Actium’ in 31 BC)

(however, most use the same date as did the ancient Romans themselves, the Roman Senate’s grant of extraordinary powers to ‘Octavian’ and his adopting the title ‘Augustus’ in 27 BC, as the defining event ending the ‘Republic’)

(Roman government was headed by 2 consuls, elected annually by the citizens and advised by a senate composed of appointed magistrates)

(as Roman society was very hierarchical by modern standards, the evolution of the Roman government was heavily influenced by the struggle between the ‘patricians’, Rome’s land-holding aristocracy, who traced their ancestry to the founding of Rome, and the ‘plebeians’, the far more numerous citizen-commoners)

(over time, the laws that gave ‘patricians’ exclusive rights to Rome’s highest offices were repealed or weakened, and leading ‘plebeian’ families became full members of the aristocracy)

(the leaders of the republic developed a strong tradition and morality requiring public service and patronage in peace and war, making military and political success inextricably linked)

(many of rome’s legal and legislative structures (later codified into the “justinian code”, and again into the “napoleonic code”) can still be observed throughout europe and much of the world in modern nation states and international organizations)

(during the ‘5th century BC’, rome gained regional dominance in latium, and eventually the entire italian peninsula by the 3rd century BC)

(the population of the city at this point is estimated at about 310,000 people)


(with the punic wars, ‘rome’ gained dominance over the mediterranean, displacing ‘hellenistic greece’ as the ‘dominant regional power’ for the next 5 centuries)











👈👈👈☜*“THE ROMANS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. the roman kingdom | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. the roman empire | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “roman consul” | *JoGa Jungle*

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