“the welsh language”

“WORDS” –>

‘bryn mawr’ = “big hill”




y gymraeg


*pronounced [kəmˈraiɡ, ə ɡəmˈraiɡ]*


(“welsh” is a member of the ‘brythonic branch’ of the ‘celtic languages’)

(it is spoken natively in ‘wales’, by some in ‘england’, and in y wladfa (the ‘welsh colony’) in ‘chubut province’ of ‘argentina’)


(historically, it has also been known in ‘english’ as…)

“the british tongue”





(the ‘2011 UK census’ counted…)

‘3.1 million residents’ of ‘wales’…

*27% (‘837,000’) of whom had been born outside ‘wales’*

*73% (‘2.2 million’) of whom reported having ‘no ‘welsh language skills’*


(of residents of ‘wales’ aged 3 + over…)

*19% (‘562,000’) reported being able to speak ‘welsh’*

*77% of these were able to — ‘speak’ / ‘read’ / ‘write’ — the language)

(making ‘431,000’ (or 15% of the ‘total population’))

(‘787,854’ (or 26.7%) of residents in ‘wales’ aged 3+ and over had 1 or more skills in ‘welsh’)

(this can be compared with the ‘2001 census’, in which 20.8% of the population (or ‘582,000’) reported being able to speak ‘welsh’)

(in surveys carried out between ‘2004’ + ‘2006’, 57% (or ‘315,000’) of ‘welsh speakers’ described themselves as ‘fluent’ in the ‘written language’)

(an estimated ‘110,000’ to ‘150,000’ people speak ‘welsh’ in ‘england’)

(a ‘greeting’ in ‘welsh’ is 1 of the ’55 languages’ included on the ‘voyager golden record’ chosen to be ‘representative’ of ‘earth’ in NASA’s ‘voyager’ program launched in ‘1977’)

(the ‘greetings’ are unique to each ‘language’, with the welsh greeting being Iechyd da i chwi yn awr ac yn oesoedd (which translates into ‘english’ as “good health to you ‘now’ + ‘forever'”)

(*many an alcoholic’s ‘last words’*!)


(the ‘welsh language (pertaining to ‘wales’) measure 2011′ gave the ‘welsh language’ official status in ‘wales’, making it the only ‘language’ that is de jure official in any part of the ‘united kingdom’, ‘english’ being de facto official)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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