(also transliterated “tifarita“)
arabic –>
(‘tifariti’ is an ‘oasis town’ located in ‘north-eastern western sahara’, east of the ‘moroccan berm’, ‘138 km’ from ‘smara’ and ’15 km’ north of the ‘mauritanian border’)
(it is part of what ‘POLISARIO’ call the liberated territories and ‘morocco’ call the buffer zone)
(it has been the de facto temporary capital of the ‘sahrawi arab democratic republic’ since the government moved there in 2011 from ‘bir lehlou’)
(it is the headquarters of the ‘2nd military region’ of the ‘SADR’)
(it is also the name of a ‘daïra’ of the ‘wilaya’ of ‘smara’, in the ‘sahrawi refugee camps’)
(in ‘2010’, the population of ‘tifariti’ was estimated at around ‘3,000 persons’)
(‘tifariti’ is located between ‘smara’ (the ‘traditional spiritual center’ (?) of the ‘sahara’ founded by the ‘ma el ainin’ (177 km away) and the algerian town of ‘tindouf’ (320 km away), where the ‘sahrawi refugee camps’ are located)
(the ‘government quarter’ of ‘tifariti’ houses…)
*the ‘parliament’ of ‘SADR’*
*a ‘hospital’*
‘*a ‘school’*
*’a mosque’*
(of course)
*a ‘museum’*
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥