"ukrainian prime ministers"


Денис Шмигаль 2020 3 (cropped).jpg

(current PM)


Oleksii Honcharuk.jpg

(2019 – 2020)


Володимир Гройсман у Верховній Раді.jpg

(2016 – 2019)



(ukrainian: Прем’єр-міністр України, prem’ier-ministr ukrayiny)


*the prime minister of ukraine is ukraine’s ‘head of government’, presiding over the “‘cabinet’ of ‘ministers’ of ‘ukraine'”, which is the highest body of the ‘executive branch’ of the ‘ukrainian government’*


(the position replaced the ‘soviet post’ of the ‘chairman’ of ‘council of ministers’ of the ‘ukrainian SSR’, which was established on ’25 march 1946′)

(since ‘ukrainian independence’ from the ‘soviet union’ in ‘1991’, there have been ’16 prime ministers’, or 20 (counting acting ‘PMs’))

(‘arseniy Yatsenyuk’ was the first ‘prime minister’ who came from ‘western ukraine’)

(2 prime ministers were born in the “russian SFSR”)


(the current ‘prime minister’ is ‘volodymyr groysman’ since he was sworn on ’14 april 2016′)














🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥