*universal postal union*


*as of ‘18 SEPTEMBER 2023’*





‘french’ –> *union postale universelle*


-the universal postal union (established by the ‘treaty of bern’ of ‘1874’) is a ‘specialized agency’ of the ‘united nations’ (UN) that coordinates ‘postal policies’ among ‘member nations’, in addition to the ‘worldwide postal system’-


*established on ‘9 october 1874’ in ‘bern’ / ‘switzerland’*


(the UPU contains 4 bodies consisting of…)

*the ‘congress’*


*the ‘council of administration’ (CA)*


*the ‘postal operations council’ (POC)*


*the ‘international bureau’ (IB)*


(it also oversees the *’telematics’ + ‘express mail’ service’* (aka ‘EMS’) cooperatives)

(each member agrees to the same terms for conducting international postal duties)

(te UPU’s headquarters are located in ‘bern’ (/ ‘switzerland’)

(‘french’ is the ‘official language’ of the ‘UPU’)

(‘english’ was added as a ‘working language’ in ‘1994’)


(the majority of the UPU’s ‘documents’ and ‘publications’ (including its ‘flagship magazine’ union postale ) are available in the united nations’ ‘6 official languages’…)














👈👈👈☜*“SNAIL MAIL”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥