sometimes transliterated as volodymyr borysovych hroisman
(ukrainian: bолоди́мир Бори́сович Гро́йсман, Volodýmyr Borýsovyč hrójsman;
yiddish: וואָלאָדימיר באָריסאָוויטש גרויסמאַן)
(born ’20 january 1978′)
*”volodymyr borysovych groysman”, is a ‘ukrainian politician’ who has been the ‘prime minister’ of ‘ukraine’ since ’14 april 2016’*
(from ‘march 2006’ until ‘february 2014’, ‘groysman’ was the ‘mayor’ of ‘vinnytsia’)
(from then to ”november 2014′, he held 2 concurrent positions as the ‘vice prime minister of ukraine for ‘regional policy” and the “minister of ‘regional development’, ‘construction’, and ‘housing’ and ‘communal’ services of ‘ukraine'”)
(he was elected into ‘parliament’ on the party lists of the pro-presidential ‘petro poroshenko bloc’)
(groysman’s next post was the ‘chairman of the verkhovna rada’ (ukraine’s ‘national parliament’), starting ‘late november 2014’ until being appointed ‘prime minister’)
(mark with ‘star of david’ on an ‘circumcised penis’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥