“BY YEAR” –>
*public school*
“watchung hills regional high school”
“108 stirling road”
(‘warren’ / ‘NJ’ / ‘07059’)
(entered ‘fall 1998’)
(graduated ‘spring 2002’)
high school summers are equivalent to “post-college haze”…a veritable “no-man’s land”…
AP high school spanish teacher
(sophomore / junior / senior)

my high school statistics teacher. attempted to recruit me for the cross-country team during an eighth grade track meet. i was running @ ~5:40 mile at the time. i told him i was going to play football and he told me that i was too skinny to play football…
the head of the math department. during high school orientation, the old man was memorably impressed by his academic intensity. doc ended up being even more impressed with me when i aced his statistics course sophomore year…
my high school physics teacher (and head of the nationally-ranked high school robotics team). i impressed him by grasping the concept of acceleration before the other students. he later wrote a great college recommendation letter for me…
my high school pre-calculus teacher. won his “christmas” musical contest with a live version of “benson b. goode”. he also gave me extra time on a midterm when i mistakenly believed we had an extra hour to complete the exam. he later wrote a great college recommendation letter for me.
my high school calculus teacher. earned straight A’s in her class. sacrificed my lunch period to attend the class.
every friday, we’d order takeout.
during my senior year of high school, i opted for an “economics / sociology” elective (“economics” first semester / “sociology” last semester). the classes were taught by a mister peter lubrecht.
this class had the added advantage of putting me in the proximity of attractive underclasswomen. namely one miss “carli dougherty”. i don’t recall any “freshwomen” in the class, but there was a plethora of “sophomores” (greek for “acquired skill”). there was one borderline “plain jane” i didn’t take much notice of then. one nataly stabenow (possessing a good hearty blonde “middle america” moniker). i do recall friending her on facebook only to have her message me back questioning the move (“i remember we took a class together, but other than that…”). many years later, i dreamed of her. i requested her “services” to the cashier at the local warren convenience store (“krauzer’s” sounds quite german but as usual the cashier/owner was an indian). my request was ostensibly granted and so we began the transaction in the parking lot behind the store. but she being a certified “plain jane”, i had to force myself to remain turned on after the initial thrill of conquest was gone (within seconds…)
watchung hills regional high school
(warren NJ)
(graduated 2002)
national merit scholar finalist
“classroom politics”
think of a liberal as your typical pushover high school teacher. desperately wants to be liked so he’s hesitant to punish his students. wasn’t very popular when he himself was in high school. too timid to be the class clown but secretly sympathetic. his fantasies for his female students veer towards the ‘peter pan’ syndrome of portraying oneself as young at heart. his grading system is an equalizer so that the dumb ones don’t sweat it and the smart students don’t bother. without the reward incentive, the students learn nothing but are all stamped by the system as being all the better for the process. that’s why students are separated by intelligence by the time they reach high school age. as early as kindergarten, i was being shuffled away to a separate reading group. then again, lots of losers probably claim to have been in enrichment math.
a conservative is an authoritarian high school teacher. he too was unpopular when he himself was in high school. but instead of wanting to be liked, he aims to vent his frustrations in his old age. and his fantasies for his female students veer towards the sadomasochistic realm. we’re talking spanking sessions. so his classroom becomes a source of control. grading is structured so that students who do things his way are rewarded and those who deviate from his system are punished. you can be sure the teacher’s hung up sexually. these are the classes where homework is checked and graded everyday to be sure that the student is learning the material in the way the teacher thinks he should. this system stifles innovation (represented in the student who wants to learn the material his own way)
in a libertarian system, there is no teacher. students are given the course material at the beginning of the course by ‘big brother’ and instructed to learn the material on their own and report to the testing center for a final at the end of the term (on which their entire grade will be based). a standardized test if you will. this system impels one generation to more explicitly invest its resources in the next generation’s education. rich parents buy tutors for their children and pay them slave wages so that their children will rise to the occasion. the truly enlightened students will lock themselves away and read the coursebook on their own time (read: me + will hunting).
in the economy, ‘grades’ = $$$ and ‘learning’ = ‘technological innovation + growth’. workers innovate to earn money just as students learn to earn good grades. the invisible hand pushing forward civilization for centuries. in a collectivist society, the most capable citizens will not have the incentive to innovate since the monetary rewards of their innovations will be transferred to the non-innovative (read: ‘poor’) people. besides starving artists, do you really know any poor people who have any worthwhile (or even interesting) ideas? besides stark-raving mad homeless men, that is. and they are all performance artists planted by the man anyway. why just the other day i heard one @ penn station rambling to himself about the evils of sodomy! somebody give this man his own radio show.
in an authoritarian regime, innovation makes just as little sense. the only innovator is the dictator. he collects the brainpower + manpower of his people to enforce his will on the world. he destroys innocent innovators and unborn einsteins along the way.
in a libertarian utopia, innovation is perfectly correlated with individual financial reward. it takes a computerized unbiased ‘big brother’ to efficiently oversee this system. obama comes pretty darn close. he’s brought the nation much closer to a meritocracy (and therefore further from socialism) then we’ve ever been. a ‘good ole boy’ system (represented by the bushes) stinks of socialism to me. nepotism is another form of socialism in that it arbitrarily defines (by blood) those who will lord over the collective.
i think ayn rand has already covered most of this ground, but she never went to public school in america. and she’s got the sense of humor of a autistic asian. which make her literary pills pretty darn hard to swallow.
public high school is a communist regime where there co-exist “liberal” (read: ‘collectivist’) and “conservative” (read: ‘authoritarian’) aspects of the system (focus placed on the marginal middle-of-the-road student unit + excessive homework assignments for everyone smart or dumb).
harvard is the closest to a utopian libertarian regime i’ve seen.
in the near future, education will mean nothing. proving your worth in the capitalist system will mean everything. kids will be operating lemonade stands right out the gates and will acquire whatever knowledge they need in order to start immediately making money. i would’ve loved living in the time before child labor laws. i reckon i would’ve taken over those coal mines by the time i was 14. and then died of the black lung at 21. it would’ve been an innaresting life. imagine a world without compulsory education
(*cue pink floyd’s ‘another brick in the wall’*)
(lawrenceville NJ)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥