-winter solstice festivals-


-as of [20 MARCH 2024]






(meanwhile down in the southern hemisphere the people are out celebrating midsummer’s nights dreams)

the “dōngzhì festival” or “winter solstice festival” (chinese: 冬至; pinyin: dōng zhì; “the extreme of winter”) is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the chinese and other east asians during the dongzhi solar term on or around december 22 when sunshine is weakest and daylight shortest; i.e., on the first day of the dongzhi solar term

“shab-e yaldā” (persian: یلدا) or “shab-e chelleh” (persian: شب چله) is an iranian festival originally celebrated on the northern hemisphere’s longest night of the year, that is, on the eve of the winter solstice

“yule” or “yule-tide” is a winter festival that was initially celebrated by the historical germanic peoples as a pagan religious festival, though it was later absorbed into, and equated with, the christian festival of christmas

(meanwhile down in the southern hemisphere the people are out celebrating midsummer’s nights dreams)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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