





*”woodland” is a ‘low-density forest’ forming ‘open habitats’ with plenty of ‘sunlight’ + limited ‘shade’*


(‘woodlands’ may support an understory of shrubs and herbaceous plants including ‘grasses’)

(‘woodland’ may form a transition to ‘shrubland’ under drier conditions or during early stages of ‘primary’ or ‘secondary’ succession)

(higher density areas of ‘trees’ with a largely closed ‘canopy’ that provides extensive and nearly continuous ‘shade’ are referred to as ‘forests'(

(‘conservationists’ have worked hard to preserve ‘woodlands’, because people are destroying animals’ habitats when building ‘homes’ and other ‘buildings’)

(for example, the ‘woodlands’ in ‘northwest indiana’ have been preserved as part of the “indiana dunes”)

(‘woodland’ is used in ‘british woodland management’ to mean “tree-covered areas which arose naturally and which are then managed”, while ‘forest’ is usually used in the ‘british isles’ to describe ‘plantations’, usually more extensive, or ‘hunting forests’, which are a land use with a legal definition and may not be wooded at all)

(the term “ancient woodland” is used in ‘british nature conservation’ to refer to ‘any wooded land that has existed since 1600’, and often (though not always) for thousands of years, since the last ‘ice age’ (equivalent to the american term ‘old-growth forest’))

(‘woodlot’ is a closely related american term, which refers to a stand of trees generally used for ‘firewood’)


(while ‘woodlots’ often technically have closed canopies, they are so small that light penetration from the edge makes them ecologically closer to woodland than ‘forest’)






👈👈👈☜*“FORESTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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