



-“x-radiation” (composed of X-rays) is a form of “electro-magnetic radiation”-


(most ‘X-rays’ have a ‘wavelength’ ranging from ‘0.01’ to ’10’ nanometers, corresponding to ‘frequencies’ in the range of ’30 petahertz’ to ’30 exahertz’ (‘3×1016 Hz’ – ‘3×1019 Hz’) and ‘energies’ in the range of ‘100 eV’ to ‘100 keV’)

(‘x-ray wavelengths’ are shorter than those of ‘UV rays’ and typically longer than those of “gamma rays”)

(in many languages, ‘X-radiation’ is referred to with terms meaning röntgen radiation, after ‘wilhelm röntgen’, who is usually credited as its ‘discoverer’, and who had named it X-radiation to signify an unknown type of ‘radiation’)

(spelling of X-ray(s) in the ‘english language’ includes the variants x-ray(s)xray(s), and “X ray(s)”)

(‘X-rays’ with ‘photon energies’ above ‘5’ – ’10’ keV (below ‘0.2’ – ‘0.1’ nm wavelength) are called hard X-rays, while those with lower energy are called “soft X-rays”)

(due to their ‘penetrating ability’, ‘hard X-rays’ are widely used to image the inside of objects, e.g., in ‘medical radiography’ and ‘airport security’)

(as a result, the term X-ray is ‘metonymically used’ to refer to a ‘radiographic image’ produced using this method, in addition to the method itself)

(since the ‘wavelengths’ of ‘hard X-rays’ are similar to the size of ‘atoms’, they are also useful for determining ‘crystal structures’ by “X-ray crystallography”)

(by contrast, “soft X-rays” are easily absorbed in ‘air’; the ‘attenuation length’ of ‘600 eV’ (~2 nm) X-rays in ‘water’ is less than ‘1 micrometer’)

(there is no consensus for a definition distinguishing between “x-rays” and “gamma rays”)

(one common practice is to distinguish between the 2 types of ‘radiation’ based on their ‘source’)

(‘x-rays’ are emitted by ‘electrons’ / ‘gamma rays’ are emitted by the “atomic nucleus”)

(this definition has several problems: other processes also can generate these ‘high-energy photons’, or sometimes the ‘method of generation’ is not known)

(one common alternative is to distinguish ‘X-‘ and ‘gamma’ radiation on the basis of ‘wavelength’ (or, equivalently, ‘frequency’ or ‘photon energy’), with ‘radiation’ shorter than some ‘arbitrary wavelength’, such as ’10’ − ’11’ m (0.1 Å), defined as “gamma radiation”)

(this criterion assigns a ‘photon’ to an ‘unambiguous category’, but is only possible if ‘wavelength’ is known)

(some ‘measurement techniques’ do not distinguish between ‘detected wavelengths’)

(however, these 2 definitions often coincide since the ‘electromagnetic radiation’ emitted by ‘X-ray tubes’ generally has a longer ‘wavelength’ and lower ‘photon energy’ than the ‘radiation’ emitted by “radioactive nuclei”)

(occasionally, 1 term or the other is used in specific contexts due to ‘historical precedent’, based on ‘measurement’ (aka ‘detection’) technique, or based on their ‘intended use’ rather than their ‘wavelength’ or ‘source’)

(thus, ‘gamma-rays’ generated for ‘medical’ and ‘industrial’ uses, for example ‘radiotherapy’, in the ranges of ‘6’ – ’20’ MeV, can in this context also be referred to as ‘x-rays’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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