*the ‘yuan’ dynasty*

“yew AHN*



(1215 – 1294)


(1311 – 1375)



(chinese: 元朝; 

pinyin: yuán cháo), officially the great yuan (chinese: 大元; pinyin: dà yuán; mongolian: yehe yuan ulus[b]),


*the yuan dynasty was the ’empire’ (/ ‘ruling dynasty’) of ‘china’ established by ‘kublai khan’, leader of the mongolian ‘borjigin’ clan*


(although the ‘mongols’ had ruled territories including today’s ‘north china’ for decades, it was not until ‘1271’ that ‘kublai khan’ officially proclaimed the dynasty in the traditional ‘chinese’ style)

(his realm was, by this point, isolated from the other ‘khanates’ and controlled most of present-day ‘china’ and its surrounding areas, including modern ‘mongolia’ and ‘korea’)

(it was the first foreign dynasty to rule all of ‘china’ and lasted until ‘1368’, after which its ‘genghisid’ rulers returned to their ‘mongolian’ homeland and continued to rule the ‘northern yuan’ dynasty)

(some of the ‘mongolian emperors’ of the ‘yuan’ mastered the ‘chinese’ language, while others only used their native language (i.e. ‘mongolian’) and the ‘phags-pa’ script)

(the ‘yuan’ dynasty is considered both a successor to the ‘mongol empire’ and an imperial ‘chinese’ dynasty)

(it was the ‘khanate’ ruled by the successors of ‘möngke khan’ after the division of the ‘mongol empire’)

(in official ‘chinese’ histories, the ‘yuan’ dynasty bore the ‘mandate of heaven’, following the ‘song’ dynasty and preceding the ‘ming’ dynasty)

(the dynasty was established by ‘kublai khan’, yet he placed his grandfather ‘genghis khan’ on the imperial records as the official founder of the dynasty as ‘taizu’)

(in the ‘proclamation of the dynastic name’ (《建國號詔》), ‘kublai’ announced the name of the new dynasty as ‘great yuan’ and claimed the succession of former ‘chinese’ dynasties from the “‘3 sovereigns’ and ‘5 emperors'” to the ‘tang’ dynasty)

(in addition to ’emperor of china’, ‘kublai khan’ also claimed the title of ‘great khan’, supreme over the other successor ‘khanates’: the ‘chagatai’, the ‘golden horde’, and the ‘Ilkhanate’)

(as such, the ‘yuan’ was also sometimes referred to as the “Empire of the Great Khan”)

(however, while the claim of ‘supremacy’ by the ‘yuan’ emperors was at times recognized by the western ‘khans’, their subservience was nominal and each continued their own separate development)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“XXX”*


*“XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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