*16 october 2012*



“tuesday morning”

(so i guess they’ve raised my pay @ ‘princeton tutoring’ to $30 / hour (this morning i found $240 in my bank account))

i promptly spent $20 on a dunkin’ donuts iced coffee w/ turbo shot (they only had “medium”) and 2 days’ worth of booze (i decided not to buy cigarettes)

i don’t need another vice in my life at the moment).

i chatted with AI on the phone until we got cut off in the liquor store.

i’m quite attracted to the busty indian dunkin donuts barista (complete with nose-stud just like purba).

i’m much too disheveled these days to make any sorta move…

i drank the rest of my beer and wrote three songs yesterday…

then i promptly passed out after eating the rest of my microwave enchiladas (now i’m out of food)…

i woke up sometime around 10:30pm…

then i slept from 2:30am to 10:30am…

i’ve gotta stop sleeping so fucking much!…

i g-chatted with professor imagination…

seems he may be willing to pay for my plane ticket next month…

i still haven’t heard from anyone at the institute…

if worst comes to worst, i’ll actually assume my “misanthropos” role and become a bum in austin!

i had a colorful series of dreams last night…

the first was a 7:30 gig @ a venue that half-resembled “the annex” and half-resembled my high school auditorium.

only it was my college band that was performing.

jack muse on drums.

we were waiting for will gaybrick to arrive on bass.

i said we’d start without him if he didn’t show.

i went to smoke the rest of a joint in the bathroom before proceeding to the stage.

by this time, will was tuning up.

the stage was pitch-black…

another dream involved ice hockey…

my brother and the rolland runts were ready to play and i tagged along for the ride…

then they told me i couldn’t play because i didn’t possess the proper skills…

another dream involved a movie i was making up as i went along…

it starred matt cantor (a geek from my harvard days) forcibly making out with a pretty girl seated at a diner table…

she complies for a few seconds before pulling away…

then i was in some sorta shopping mall (but i considered it analogous to the little bro’s college campus center)…

for whatever reason, i believed that i was required to “check into” watchung hills high school before it closed @ 10pm…

i was talking to some watchung hills “secretary” on the “phone” (which merely consisted of a telephone line with me speaking on one end and holding the other end to my ear…

(no more sophisticated than 2 cans attached by a string…)

the final dream involved my eighth grade play…

only it was taking place at an arcade along the seaside boardwalk…

at the conclusion of the play, everyone marched along the boardwalk to some mysterious reception…

i was armed with a white plastic sword…

the old man tried his best to walk alongside me…


“tuesday afternoon”

but what do we know?
what do we care???

how do we know?
and how dare we care?









👈👈👈 ☜ *“16 OCTOBER 2011”*


*“16 OCTOBER 2013”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“OCTOBER 16TH”* ☞ 👉👉👉
*our timeline*









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥