“earth’s magneto-sphere”




(boundary between ‘magnetotail’ and ‘plasmasphere’)


(aka “inner magnetosphere”)



(stretches from (60 km / 37 miles) to (1000 km / 620 miles) from earth’s surface)


*a magneto-sphere is the region of space surrounding an astronomical object in which charged particles are controlled by that object’s ‘magnetic field’*


(the ‘magnetic field’ near the surface of many astronomical objects resembles that of a ‘dipole’)

(the field lines farther away from the surface can be significantly distorted by the flow of electrically conducting plasma emitted from a nearby star (e.g. the solar wind from the ‘sun’))

(planets with a ‘magnetosphere’, like ‘earth’, are capable of ‘mitigating’ or ‘blocking’ the effects of ‘cosmic radiation’)

(over earth’s ‘equator’, the magnetic field lines become almost horizontal, then return to reconnect at high latitudes)

(however, at high altitudes, the magnetic field is significantly distorted by the ‘solar wind’ and its ‘solar magnetic field’)

(on the ‘dayside’ of ‘earth’, the ‘magnetic field’ is significantly compressed by the ‘solar wind’ to a distance of approximately 65,000 kilometers (40,000 mi))

(earth’s ‘bow shock’ is about 17 kilometers (11 mi) thick and located about 90,000 kilometers (56,000 mi) from ‘earth’)

(the ‘magnetopause’ exists at a distance of several hundred kilometers above earth’s surface)

(earth’s ‘magnetopause’ has been compared to a sieve because it allows ‘solar wind particles’ to enter)

(‘Kelvin–Helmholtz’ instabilities occur when large swirls of ‘plasma’ travel along the edge of the ‘magnetosphere’ at a different velocity from the ‘magnetosphere’, causing the ‘plasma’ to slip past)

(this results in ‘magnetic reconnection’, and as the ‘magnetic field lines’ break and reconnect, ‘solar wind particles’ are able to enter the ‘magnetosphere’)

(on earth’s ‘nightside’, the magnetic field extends in the magnetotail, which lengthwise exceeds 6,300,000 kilometers (3,900,000 mi))

(earth’s ‘magnetotail’ is the primary source of the ‘polar aurora’)


(also, NASA scientists have suggested that earth’s ‘magnetotail’ might cause “dust storms” on the ‘moon’ by creating a potential difference between the ‘day side’ and the ‘night side’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“XXX”*


*“XXX”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“MAGNETO-PAUSE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥