"egg journals"

*31 october 2014*

cheryl lynn brought me hard-boiled eggs…i ate 2 eggs last night (and wrapped them in cheese)…


*5 june 2014*

hard-boiled eggs @ michael anthony’s apartment

(2 hard-boiled eggs)

easter food coma

hard-boiled eggs

3 eggs / milk / salt / taylor ham / bacon

(all mixed and burnt into a pan)

(and promptly passed out)

grilled two hamburger patties along with two microwave egg patties as a midnight snack

no hard-boiled egg in sight…

scuba is cooking eggs and potatoes

(i ate four sandwiches on hamburger buns)

(two with eggs in them)

(and vinegar / vegetable oil / salt / pepper for the eggs + potatoes)

i ate a container of mccaffrey’s egg salad…

then i got restless in bed and ate 2 egg mcmuffins

i walked to the market (through the snow)

got 8-pack of egg mcmuffins, peanut butter mnms, salt and vinegar potato chips, juicy juice grape juice

(last night i munched on chips, candy, grape juice)

(2 egg mcmuffins)







👈👈👈☜*“EGGS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥