


-“homo” is the ‘genus’ that comprises the species homo sapiens, which includes ‘modern humans’, as well as several ‘extinct species’ classified as ‘ancestral to’ or ‘closely related’ to ‘modern humans’—as for examples ‘homo habilis’ + ‘homo neanderthalensis’-


(the ‘genus’ is about ‘2.8 million years old’) 

(it first appeared as its earliest species homo habilis, which emerged from the genus australopithecus, which itself had previously split from the lineage of pan (aka ‘chimpanzees’))

(taxonomically, homo is the only ‘genus’ assigned to the subtribe hominina which (with the subtribes ‘australopithecina’ + ‘panina’), comprise the tribe ‘hominini’)

(all species of the genus homo plus those species of the ‘australopithecines’ that arose after the split from pan are called ‘hominins’)

(‘homo erectus’ appeared about ‘2 million years ago’ in ‘east africa’ (where it is dubbed homo ergaster) and, in several early ‘migrations’, it spread throughout ‘africa’ + ‘eurasia’)

(it was likely the first ‘hominin’ to live in a ‘hunter-gatherer’ society + to control ‘fire’)

(an ‘adaptive’ + ‘successful’ species, homo erectus persisted for almost ‘2 million years’ before suddenly becoming ‘extinct’ about 7’0,000 years ago’ (0.07 Ma))

(perhaps a casualty of the “toba super-eruption catastrophe”)


(“homo sapiens sapiens”, or “anatomically modern humans”, emerged about 200,000 years ago (0.2 Ma) in ‘East Africa’ (see ‘Omo remains’))

(there is division among scholars as to when H. s. sapiens became behaviorally modern; the debate is: ‘modern behavior’ developed 1) simultaneously with ‘anatomical development’, or 2) separately, and was complete by 50,000 years ago)

(“homo sapiens sapiens” is the only surviving species and subspecies of the genus Homo; all others have become extinct)

(“modern humans” migrated from ‘africa’ as recently as ‘60,000 years ago’, and during ‘upper paleolithic’ times they spread throughout ‘africa’, ‘Eurasia’, ‘Oceania’, and the ‘Americas’; and they encountered ‘archaic humans’ en route of their migrations)

(some ‘archaic humans’ outside ‘africa’ survived alongside ‘modern humans’ until about ‘40,000 years ago’ (look up h. neanderthalensis), and possibly until as late as the times of the ‘epipaleolithic’culture’ (about 12,000 years ago))

(‘DNA analysis’ provides some evidence of interbreeding between ‘archaic’ + ‘modern’ humans’, although some researchers have doubted these findings)


homo is Latin, in the original sense of “human being”, or “man” (in the gender-neutral sense). The word “human” itself is from Latin humanus, an adjective cognate to homo, both thought to derive from a Proto-Indo-European word for “earth” reconstructed as *dhǵhem-e


(aka “homo sapien”)

the closest living relatives of humans are gorillas and chimpanzees, but humans did not evolve from these apes: instead these apes share a common ancestor with modern humans.  humans are probably most closely related to two chimpanzee species: common chimpanzee and bonobo

Archaic Homo sapiens is a loosely defined term used to describe a number of varieties of Homo, as opposed to anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens), in the period beginning 500,000 years ago. The term is typically taken to include Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rhodesiensis, Homo neanderthalensis and sometimes Homo antecessor


anatomically modern human (AMH)


Anatomically modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago

Archaic Homo sapiens had robust skeletons, indicating that they lived a physically demanding life; this may mean that anatomically modern humans, with their more gracile frames, had become more dependent on technology than on raw physical power to meet the challenges of their environment

Peştera cu Oase (The Cave with Bones) is a system of 12 karstic galleries and chambers located N. 45° 01’; E. 21° 50’ in south-western Romania, where the oldest early modern human remains in Europe (40,500 years old) have been discovered






👈👈👈☜*“HOMININI”* ☞ 👉👉👉

(zippadee do da)

“joe, don’t throw the ball…”
(it’s the ‘hominini’ in me)









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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