(from ‘outer’ to ‘inner’…)
*the magneto+pause is the ‘abrupt boundary’ between a ‘magneto-sphere’ and the surrounding ‘plasma’*
(for ‘planetary science’, the ‘magnetopause’ is the boundary between the planet’s magnetic field and the ‘solar wind’)
(the location of the ‘magnetopause’ is determined by the balance between the pressure of the ‘dynamic planetary magnetic field’ and the ‘dynamic pressure’ of the ‘solar wind’)
(as the ‘solar wind pressure’ increases and decreases, the ‘magnetopause’ moves inward and outward in response)
(‘waves’ (‘ripples’ and ‘flapping motion’) along the ‘magnetopause’ move in the direction of the ‘solar wind flow’ in response to small-scale variations in the ‘solar wind pressure’ and to ‘Kelvin–Helmholtz’ instability)
(the ‘solar wind’ is ‘supersonic’ and passes through a ‘bow shock’ where the direction of flow is changed so that most of the ‘solar wind plasma’ is deflected to either side of the ‘magnetopause’, much like ‘water’ is deflected before the bow of a ship)
(the zone of shocked solar wind plasma is the ‘magnetosheath’)
(at ‘earth’ and all the other planets with ‘intrinsic magnetic fields’, some ‘solar wind plasma’ succeeds in entering and becoming trapped within the ‘magnetosphere’)
(at ‘earth’, the ‘solar wind plasma’ which enters the ‘magnetosphere’ forms the ‘plasma sheet’)
(the amount of ‘solar wind plasma’ and ‘energy’ that enters the ‘magnetosphere’ is regulated by the ‘orientation’ of the ‘interplanetary magnetic field’, which is embedded in the ‘solar wind’)
(the ‘sun’ + other ‘stars’ with ‘magnetic fields’ and ‘stellar winds’ have a ‘solar magnetopause’ or ‘heliopause’ where the ‘stellar environment’ is bounded by the ‘interstellar environment’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥