

from greek mesos “middle” and sphaira “sphere”)


(the mesosphere  is the layer of the earth’s atmosphere that is directly above the stratosphere and directly below the ‘mesopause’)

(in the ‘mesosphere’, ‘temperature’ decreases as the ‘altitude’ increases)

(the upper boundary of the ‘mesosphere’ is the ‘mesopause’, which can be the coldest naturally occurring place on ‘earth’ with temperatures below −143 °C (−225 °F; 130 K))

(the exact upper and lower boundaries of the ‘mesosphere’ vary with ‘latitude’ and with ‘season’, but the lower boundary of the ‘mesosphere’ is usually located at heights of about 50 kilometres (160,000 ft; 31 mi) above the earth’s surface and the ‘mesopause’ is usually at heights near 100 kilometres (62 mi), except at ‘middle’ and ‘high’ latitudes in ‘summer’ where it descends to heights of about 85 kilometres (53 mi; 279,000 ft))

(the ‘stratosphere’, ‘mesosphere’, and lowest part of the ‘thermosphere’ are collectively referred to as the “middle atmosphere”, which spans heights from approximately 10 kilometres (33,000 ft; 6.2 mi) to 100 kilometres (62 mi; 330,000 ft))

(the ‘mesopause’, at an altitude of 80–90 km (50–56 mi), separates the ‘mesosphere’ from the ‘thermosphere’—the second-outermost layer of the earth’s ‘atmosphere’)

(this is also around the same altitude as the ‘turbopause’, below which different chemical species are well mixed due to ‘turbulent eddies’)

(above this level the atmosphere becomes non-uniform; the scale heights of different chemical species differ by their ‘molecular masses’)


