"occupy wall street"*our conclusions*

(‘peter schiff’ was right-on when he explained that the movement should logically direct its “anger” @ the federal government who bailed out the banks on taxpayer dime)

(‘schiff’ being the father of ‘shia laboof’)

(as all entities work in their own self-interest, it made biological sense for bankers to lobby the government for handouts)

(but the decision is ultimately up to the federal government)

(i think of it in terms of “grading”)

(suppose you are a student (read “taxpayer” / “small business” / “non-recipient of bailout”) in a class where “grading” = “ranking” (as in “money” = “standard of living”))

(if you diligently complete an assignment on time and receive a B from the teacher, and then another more “charming” student (read: “banks”) doesn’t complete the assignment on time but successfully lobbies the teacher for an extension and then subsequently receives an A (thereby lowering your subsequent ranking), who should you be angry with?)

(the charming competitor who used his skills to outsmart you?)

(or the teacher (read: “government”) who laid out a set of rules only to have them undermined by the charmer?)

(same analogy applies to mating)

(if you are passed over by a girl for what you deem to be a “less worthy” male)

(are you more ‘angry’ at your ‘male competitor’ or the girl who rejected you?)

(every man is SUPPOSED TO  at least TRY to have as much sex as possible with the most beautiful women)

(it’s ‘total anger’ at the ‘woman’ who picked ‘him’ over ‘me’)

(an accurate representation my place is this ‘society’)

(it alway seems the “safe” (non-hurtful) bet to blame “the government”)



👈👈👈☜*“OCCUPY WALL STREET”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥