*the roman empire*







latin —> imperium rōmānum

classical latin —> [ɪmˈpɛ.ri.ũː roːˈmaː.nũː] 

‘koine’ + ‘medieval’ greek —>

bασιλεία τῶν Ῥωμαίων
(tr. basileia tōn rhōmaiōn)





(the roman empire was the ‘post-roman republic period’ of the ‘ancient roman civilization’, characterized by ‘government’ headed by ‘emperors’ + ‘large territorial holdings’ around the ‘mediterranean sea’ in [‘europe’ / ‘africa’ / ‘asia’)


(the city of ‘rome’ was the largest city in the world c. 100 BC – c. 400 AD, with ‘constantinople’ (aka ‘new rome’) becoming the largest around ‘500 AD’, and the empire’s populace grew to an estimated ’50 million’ to ’90 million’ inhabitants (or roughly 20% of the world’s population at the time))

(the ‘500-year-old republic’ which preceded it was severely de-stabilized in a series of ‘civil wars’ + ‘political conflict’, during which ‘julius caesar’ was appointed as ‘perpetual dictator’ and then assassinated in ’44 BC’)

(‘civil wars’ + ‘executions’ continued, culminating in the victory of ‘octavian’ (caesar’s adopted son) over ‘mark antony’ + ‘cleopatra’ at the ‘battle of actium’ in ’31 BC’ + the annexation of ‘egypt’)

(octavian’s power was then unassailable. and in ’27 BC’ the ‘roman senate’ formally granted him ‘overarching power’ + the new title augustus, effectively marking the end of the ‘roman republic’)

(the ‘imperial successor’ to the ‘republic’ lasted approximately ‘1,500 years’)

(the first 2 centuries of the empire’s existence were a period of unprecedented political stability + prosperity known as the pax romana, or “roman peace”)

(following octavian’s victory, the size of the empire was dramatically increased)

(after the assassination of ‘caligula’ in ’41’, the ‘senate’ briefly considered restoring the ‘republic’, but the ‘praetorian guard’ proclaimed ‘claudius’ emperor instead)

(under ‘claudius’, the empire invaded ‘britannia’, its first major expansion since ‘augustus’)

(after claudius’ successor ‘nero’ committed suicide in ’68’, the empire suffered a period of ‘brief civil wars’, as well as a concurrent major rebellion in ‘judea’, during which 4 different ‘legionary generals’ were proclaimed ‘emperor’)

(“vespasian” emerged triumphant in ’69’, establishing the ‘flavian dynasty’, before being succeeded by his son ‘titus’, who opened the ‘colosseum’ shortly after the eruption of ‘mount vesuvius’)

(his short reign was followed by the long reign of his brother ‘domitian’, who was eventually assassinated)

(the senate then appointed the first of the ‘5 good emperors’)

(the empire reached its greatest extent under ‘trajan’, the second in this line)

(a period of increasing’ trouble’ + ‘decline’ began with the reign of ‘commodus’)

(commodus’ assassination in ‘192’ triggered the ‘year of the 5 emperors’, of which ‘septimius severus’ emerged victorious)

(the assassination of ‘alexander severus’ in ‘235’ led to the ‘crisis of the 3rd century’ in which 26 men were declared ‘emperor’ by the ‘roman senate’ over a ’50-year period’)

(it was not until the reign of ‘diocletian’ that the empire was fully stabilized with the introduction of the ‘tetrarchy,’ which saw 4 emperors rule the empire at once)

(this arrangement was ultimately unsuccessful, leading to a civil war that was finally ended by ‘constantine I’, who defeated his rivals and became the sole ruler of the empire)

(‘constantine’ subsequently shifted the capital to ‘byzantium’, which was re-named “constantinople” in his honor)

(it remained the capital of the east until its demise)

(‘constantine’ also adopted ‘christianity’ which later became the ‘official state religion’ of the ‘empire’)

(this eastern part of the empire (known later as the ‘byzantine empire’) remained one of the ‘leading powers’ in the world alongside its arch-rival the ‘sassanid empire’, which had inherited a centuries-old ‘roman-persian conflict’ from its predecessor the ‘parthians’)  


(following the death of ‘theodosius I’ (the last emperor to rule a ‘united roman empire’), the dominion of the empire was gradually eroded by…)

*’abuses of power’*


*’civil wars’*


*barbarian migrations/invasions*


*’military reforms’*


*’economic depression’*


(the ‘sack of rome’ in ‘410’ by the ‘visigoths’ and again in ‘455’ by the ‘vandals’ accelerated the western empire’s decay, while the deposition of the emperor (‘romulus augustulus’) in 476 by ‘odoacer’ is generally accepted to mark the end of the empire in the ‘west’)

(however, ‘augustulus’ was never recognized by his eastern colleague, and separate rule in the ‘western part’ of the empire only ceased to exist upon the death of ‘julius nepos’, in ‘480’)

(the ‘eastern roman empire’ endured for another ‘millennium’, eventually falling to the ‘ottoman turks’ in ‘1453’)

(the ‘roman empire’ was among the most powerful (‘economic’ / ‘cultural’/ ‘political’ / ‘military’) forces in the world of its time)

(it was one of the largest empires in ‘world history’)

(at its height under ‘trajan’, it covered ‘5 million square kilometers’, a territory composed of ’48 nations’ in the ‘21st century’)

(it held sway over an estimated ’70 million people’, at that time 21% of the world’s entire population)


(the ‘longevity’ + ‘vast extent’ of the empire ensured for its ‘descendants’ the lasting influence of ‘latin’ + ‘greek’…)









(throughout the ‘european medieval period’, attempts were even made to establish ‘successors’ to the ‘roman empire’, including the ‘empire of romania’ (a ‘crusader state’) + the ‘holy roman empire’)

(by means of ‘european colonialism’ following the ‘renaissance’, and their ‘descendant states’, ‘greco-roman culture’ was exported on a ‘worldwide scale’, playing a crucial role in the development of the ‘modern world’)

(the ‘roman empire’ was established under ‘octavian’ in ’27 BC’, after julius caesar’s conquest of ‘gaul’, followed by a period of ‘civil war’)

(the city of ‘rome’ now surpassed a population of ‘1 million’, likely the first city in history to reach this size (compared to world population of about ‘200 million’ – ‘300 million’ at the time))

(at the peak of ‘roman imperial power’ in the ‘2nd century’, the population of the city numbered some ‘1.6 million’, a size that it never attained again until its becoming the capital of the ‘republic of italy’ in ‘1946’; close to 3% of the population of the empire lived within its limits)

(following the ‘crisis of the 200s’ and the transfer of the ‘imperial capital’ to ‘constantinople’ in ‘330 AD’, ‘rome’ entered a period of ‘gradual decline’)

(after the collapse of the ‘western roman empire’, ‘rome’ managed to hang on to the empire, still known as the roman empire but long centered on the ‘eastern mediterranean’, until the 8th century as the ‘duchy of rome’)

(but the city was reduced to a fraction of its former size, being sacked several times in the ‘400s’ + ‘500s’ , in ‘546’ even temporarily depopulated entirely)

(with the final loss of ‘imperial control’ in ‘italy’, ‘rome’ became the capital of the ‘papal states’ in ‘medieval italy’)

(the ‘papacy’ struggled to retain influence in the emerging ‘holy roman empire’, and during the saeculum obscurum, the population of ‘rome’ fell to as low as ’30,000 inhabitants’)

(following the ‘east–west schism’ and the limited success in the ‘investiture controversy’, the ‘papacy’ did gain considerable influence in ‘high medieval europe’, but with the ‘avignon papacy’ + the ‘western schism’, the city of ‘rome’ was reduced to irrelevance, its population falling below ’20,000’)

(rome’s decline into complete irrelevance during the ‘medieval period’, with the associated lack of ‘construction activity’, assured the survival of very significant ‘ancient roman material remains’ in the center of the city, some ‘abandoned’ and others ‘continuing in use’)

(‘rome’ began to recover some importance in the ‘late 1400s’ + ‘1500s’)

(the ‘sistine chapel’ was restored in ‘1480’ and decorated by ‘michelangelo’ in ‘1508’ – ‘1512’)

(construction of the ‘apostolic palace’ began in ‘1589’)

(construction of ‘saint peter’s basilica’ was begun in ‘1506’, the most renowned work of ‘renaissance architecture’)

(the ‘roman renaissance’ was cut short abruptly with the devastation of the city in ‘1527’, but the ‘papacy’ reasserted itself in the ‘counter-reformation’, and the city continued to flourish during the ‘early modern period’)

(‘rome’ was annexed by ‘napoleon’ and was technically part of ‘france’ during ‘1798’ to ‘1814’)

(during the ‘italian unification’ in the ‘1800s’, the roman question referred to the status of ‘rome’ under the ‘temporal power’ of the ‘popes’)

(‘rome’ was declared the capital of the ‘kingdom of italy’ on ’27 march 1861’, but the ‘italian government’ could not take its seat there because it was defended by a ‘french garrison’)

(‘rome’ was eventually captured in ‘1870’, and the dispute was finally resolved with the ‘lateran pacts of 1929’ establishing the ‘vatican state’)

(‘rome’ served as the capital of the ‘italian empire’ + ‘fascist italy’ from ‘1870’ to ‘1943’)

(during this period, population ‘hextupled’ from about ‘250,000’ to ‘1.5 million’)

(the ‘palace of justice’ was completed in ‘1910’)

(‘rome’ was under siege by the ‘allied invasion’ of ‘italy’ and was bombed several times)

(it was declared an ‘open city’ on ’14 august 1943’)

(it became the ‘capital’ of the ‘italian republic’ (established in ‘1946’), with a population of ‘4.4 million’ in its ‘metropolitan area’ (as of ‘2015’, ‘2.8 million’ within ‘city limits’) — one of the largest cities in ‘italy’ (after ‘milan’, and roughly on par with ‘naples’))


(it is among the ‘largest urban areas’ of the ‘european union’ + classified as a “global city”)











👈👈👈☜*“THE ROMANS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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