“my kindergarten experience”

(‘FALL 1989’ – ‘SPRING 1990’)


(enter ‘bayberry school’ at ‘age 5’)
(after “preschool”)

(my teacher was missus winter)
(she seemed like a cranky bitch)

(i was reading by age 3)

(during parent-teacher conference she simply shrugged her shoulders and said “they all catch up eventually” when the parents mentioned that i was already reading)

(and i remember being siphoned off a “special ed” room when the other students went to their “literature class”)

(was i too smart or too stupid to join them?)

(because the two other kids in the classroom with me were alan mascola and a second grader named “georgie”)

(…or were they trying to squash everyone into the middle from an early age?)

(and making sure i didn’t advance too quickly)

(…or were they doing me a favor by granting me an “independent study”?)

(my “gang” consisted of paul malchow + kris ricasada)
(we were looking for our fourth ninja turtle)
(i was raphael)
(not leonardo)

(“looking for (a little) leo”)
(“here comes leonardo…”)
(“where art thou, rob roy?”)



👈👈👈 ☜ *back to “KINDERGARTEN”*






🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥