((UK: /ˌmaɪkrəˈniːziə/,
US: /-ˈniːʒə/);
from greek: μικρός mikrós “small” and greek: νῆσος nêsos “island”)
(‘micronesia’ is a subregion of ‘oceania’, composed of thousands of small islands in the ‘western pacific ocean’)
(it has a shared cultural history with 2 other ‘island regions’, ‘polynesia’ to the east and ‘melanesia’ to the south)
(the region has a ‘tropical marine climate’, and is part of the ‘oceania ecozone’)
(there are ‘4 main archipelagos’ along with ‘numerous outlying islands’)
(‘micronesia’ is divided politically among several ‘sovereign countries’)
(one of these is the ‘federated states of micronesia’, which is often called “micronesia” for short and is not to be confused with the overall region)
(the ‘micronesia region’ encompasses 5 sovereign, independent nations—the ‘federated states of micronesia’, ‘palau’, ‘kiribati’, ‘marshall islands’, and ‘nauru’ — as well as 3 U.S. territories in the northern part: ‘northern mariana islands’, ‘guam’, and ‘wake island’)
(‘micronesia’ began to be settled several millennia ago, although there are competing theories about the origin and arrival of the first settlers)
(the earliest known contact with europeans occurred in ‘1521’, when ‘ferdinand magellan’ reached the ‘marianas’)
(the coinage of the term “micronesia” is usually attributed to ‘jules dumont d’urville’s’ usage in ‘1832’…)
(…however, ‘domeny de rienzi’ had used the term a year previously)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥