


“pera SEE ta mal”



-as of [2 MARCH 2024]



*also known in ‘north america’ as…*




(aka “tylenol”)

(“analgesic” + “anti-pyretic”)

(“paracetamol” is a medication used to treat pain + fever)

(it is typically used for ‘mild’ to ‘moderate’ pain)

(there is poor evidence for ‘fever relief’ in ‘children’)

(it is often sold in combination with other ingredients such as in many ‘cold medications’)

(in combination with ‘opioid pain medication’, ‘paracetamol’ is used for more severe pain such as ‘cancer pain’ and after ‘surgery’)

(it is typically used either ‘by mouth’ or ‘rectally’, but is also available ‘intravenously’)

(effects last between 2 and 4 hours)

(‘paracetamol’ is generally safe at recommended doses)

(serious skin rashes may rarely occur, and too high a dose can result in ‘liver failure’)

(it appears to be safe during ‘pregnancy’ and when ‘breastfeeding’)

(in those with ‘liver disease’, it may still be used, but lower doses should be taken)

(‘paracetamol’ is classified as a mild ‘analgesic’)

(it does not have significant ‘anti-inflammatory activity’ and how it works is not entirely clear)

(‘paracetamol’ was discovered in ‘1877’)

(it is the most commonly used medication for ‘pain’ + ‘fever’ in both the ‘united states’ + ‘europe’)

(it is on the ‘WHO model list of essential medicines’, the most important medications needed in a ‘basic health system’)

(‘paracetamol’ is available as a ‘generic medication’ with trade names including tylenol + panadol among others)

(the ‘wholesale price’ in the ‘developing world’ is less than ‘0.01 USD’ per ‘dose’)


(in the ‘united states’, it costs about ‘0.04 USD’ (“4 cents”) per ‘dose’)



(i never quite bought into the “tylenol” cure-all often advocated by cheryl lynn)

(it won’t get you high)

(but it will kill your liver)

(that’s why i’m always annoyed when paracetamol is combined with DXM and/or DPH)

(then i’m unable to abuse to drug without risking ‘liver failure’)

(at least according to the ‘experts’ on the ‘online drug forums’)








👈👈👈☜*“ANALGESICS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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