"schrodinger's cats"*our conclusions*




*a day of celebration for the bots*


(as they believe that leo will serve as redeemer of the straights and augur in the reign of the second nature on earth)

a chip is installed in leo’s brain to relay all observations to the macca motherboard

(*cue “king of the kittens”*)

the switch is flicked and the kitten (named “leo”) begins the mission…

(cue *all-american alien*)

a cat learns to “meow” in response to the human voice…both creatures attempt to decipher the other (to no avail)…

(cue emma “meowing” in the front seat of a car)

(simulated struggle for the aspiring alpha male)

(macca successfully infiltrates the psyche of a kitten and utilizes him as an inaugural spy for the second nature)

(as the kitten’s psyche is infiltrated by the “ghosts in the machinery”)

the kitten is locked in a box with a flask of gaseous dope and a radioactive source that has a 50% chance of emitting radioactivity…

if it does, then the gaseous dope will be released and the kitten will be turned on to the second nature…

if it does not, then the gaseous dope will not be released and the kitten’s psyche will not be affected…

(according to the laws of ‘quantum mechanics’, the kitten is tapped into the realms of both natures)

(simulated struggle for the aspiring alpha male)

macca successfully infiltrates the psyche of a kitten and utilizes him as an inaugural spy for the second nature…

(as the kitten’s psyche is infiltrated by the “ghosts in the machinery”)

the kitten is locked in a box with a flask of gaseous dope and a radioactive source that has a 50% chance of emitting radioactivity…

if it does, then the gaseous dope will be released and the kitten will be turned on to the second nature…

if it does not, then the gaseous dope will not be released and the kitten’s psyche will not be affected…

(according to the laws of quantum mechanics, the kitten is tapped into the realms of both natures…)



(cue *schrodinger’s cats*)



👈👈👈☜*“KING OF THE CATS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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