*the cheka*

GPU 5th anniversary emblem.png



(the ‘cheka’ (the first ‘soviet secret police’) was established by a ‘decree’ issued by ‘vladimir lenin’)


ЧК –

чрезвыча́йная коми́ссия 

chrezvychaynaya komissiya

’emergency committee’ 

(‘tussian pronunciation: [tɕɪˈka])

(“cheka” was the first of a succession of soviet state security organizations)

It was created on December 20, 1917, after a decree issued by Vladimir Lenin, and was subsequently led by Felix Dzerzhinsky, a Polish aristocrat turned communist.

By late 1918, hundreds of Cheka committees had been created in various cities, at multiple levels including: 


guberniya (“Gubcheks”), 



and volost Chekas,

with Raion and Volost Extraordinary Commissioners.


Many thousands of dissidents, deserters, or other people were arrested, tortured or executed by various Cheka groups.

After 1922, Cheka groups underwent a series of reorganizations, with the NKVD, into bodies whose members continued to be referred to as “Chekisty” (Chekists) into the late 1980s.

From its founding, being the military and security arm of the Bolshevik communist party, the Cheka was instrumental in the Red Terror.

(in ‘1921’ the Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic (a branch of the ‘cheka’) numbered at least ‘200,000’)


(these troops…)

*policed ‘labor camps’*

*ran the ‘gulag system’*

*conducted ‘requisitions of food’*

*subjected ‘political opponents’ to [‘secret arrest’ / ‘detention’ / ‘torture’ / ‘summary execution’]*

*put down [‘rebellions’ + ‘riots’ by ‘workers’ or ‘peasants’] + [‘mutinies’ in the desertion-plagued “red army”]*















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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