“continental islands”

*’continental islands’ are ‘bodies of land’ that lie on the ‘continental shelf’ of a ‘continent’*


*examples are…*

‘borneo’ / ‘java’ / ‘sumatra’
(on ‘asian continent’)


‘new guinea’ / ‘tasmania’ / ‘kangaroo island’
(on ‘australian continent’)


‘great britain’ / ‘ireland’ / ‘sicily’
(on ‘european continent’)


‘barbados’ / ‘falklands’ / ‘trinidad’
(on ‘south american continent’)


(a special type of ‘continental island’ is the ‘micro-continental island’, which is created when a ‘continent’ is rifted)

(examples are ‘madagascar’ and ‘socotra’ (off ‘africa’), the ‘kerguelen islands’, ‘new caledonia’, ‘new zealand’, and some of the ‘seychelles’)

(another subtype is an ‘island’ or ‘bar’ formed by ‘deposition’ of ‘tiny rocks’ where ‘water current’ loses some of its ‘carrying capacity’)

(this includes ‘barrier islands’, which are ‘accumulations of sand’ deposited by ‘sea currents’ on the ‘continental shelves’)

(‘fluvial’ (or ‘alluvial’) islands formed in ‘river deltas’ or ‘midstream’ within ‘large rivers’)


(while some are ‘transitory’ and may disappear if the ‘volume’ or ‘speed’ of the ‘current changes’, others are ‘stable’ + ‘long-lived’)









👈👈👈☜*“ISLANDS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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