“cookie journals”

*30 april 2015* –>

no need to eat this chocolate banana pastry from wildflour cafe…

throw it away and keep digesting…

i was having nasty explosive shits this morning…

and more of them as soon as i hit the library…

and i didn’t even eat much yesterday…

just a slice of (superstacked) pizza and the aforementioned bedtime meal…

i crave cigarettes…

but now i can’t afford a pack…

they come in handy while robotripping…

mother’s “homemade” chocolate chip cookies always taste best…

a real treat when a child’s brown bag lunch contains 3 homemade cookies for dessert (as most school lunches in those days consisted of 3 courses (sandwich / fruit / dessert)  the school provided the milk in lieu of the mother…

(along with peanut butter brownies / pretzels / popcorn)

i ate the rest of brownies (with milk)

(just those cookies yesterday afternoon)

(but i pigged out on tuesday)

(ate two tate’s bakery cookies)

peanut butter cookies

sean’s mediocre “famous amos” mini-cookies

(which i drenched in peanut butter)

1 3-pack of cookies

*1 / 3-pack chocolate chip cookies*



👈👈👈☜*“COOKIES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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