*’fellow’ of the ‘royal society’*



*AKA* –>






*a distinction for british + irish scientists*



(“fellowship of the royal society”is an ‘award’ + ‘fellowship’ granted by the “royal society of london” to individuals the society judges to have made a ‘substantial contribution’ to the improvement of ‘natural knowledge’ such as…)


‘engineering sciences’

‘medical science’


(‘fellowship of the society’ is the oldest ‘scientific academy’ in continuous existence)


(it is a significant honor which has been awarded to many eminent scientists from history including…) 

‘isaac newton’ 

‘charles darwin’ 

‘michael faraday’ 

‘ernest rutherford’ 

‘srinivasa ramanujan’ 

‘albert einstein’ 

‘dorothy hodgkin’ 

‘alan turing’ 

‘francis crick’



(more recently, ‘fellowship’ has been awarded to…)

‘stephen hawking’ 

‘tim hunt’ 

‘elizabeth blackburn’ 

‘tim berners-lee’ 

‘venkatraman ramakrishnan’ 

‘andre geim’ 

‘james dyson’ 

(and around 8000 others in totalO

(including over 280 ‘nobel laureates’ since 1663*



(as of ‘2016’, there are around 1600 living ‘fellows’ / ‘foreign members’ / ‘honorary members’)

(“fellowship of the royal society” has been described by the guardian newspaper as “the equivalent of a ‘lifetime achievement oscar’” with several institutions celebrating their announcement each year)






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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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