*do i LOOK gay to you?*
(come to think of it…yea!…you actually do!”)
(“that very well may be…”)
“but even so….what’s it got to do with me?”
(painted by ‘frans pourbus’)
(male flemish painter)
(8 years younger than ‘bacon’)
(bacon is ~ ’56 years old’ in this picture)
(he died 9 years later at ‘age 65’)
(or phonetically “namonia”)
1st viscount st alban*
(’22 JANUARY 1561″ – “9 APRIL 1626”)
(born in ‘london’)
(died in english county of ‘middlesex’)
*cue ‘paul heyman’*
“we’re starfox!”
(please note that the ‘bacon’ in question has nothing to do with ‘kevin’…)
(in NO WAY related to that OTHER british ‘bacon’)
(gay irish painter ‘francis bacon’)
(1909 – 1992)
“in no way?” “really?”
“you mean to tell me that exsts ‘infinite degrees’ of ‘separation’ between the 2 of you???”
“tell that to tolkien!”
richard wagner
(his alleged ‘last words’)
(according to ‘cosima’)
*both bacons (closeted?) homosexuals*
(or ‘masculine love’)
(the ‘anglican euphemism’ most common in ‘elizabethan england’)
(‘king james 1’ was alo suspected of being a ‘homosexual’)
(though he had a ‘wife’ + ‘children’)
*bacon married the 14-year old ‘alice barnham’*

(a ‘cold political loveless marriage?)
(he was 45 / she was 14)
(~31 year age difference)
(but he allegedly had his sights set on her when she was ’11’)
(and he has been rejected by a ’20 year old widow’ named ‘elizabeth hatton’)
(when he was ’36’)
(at first, he showered gifts upon his ‘teenage bride’)
(when the money ran out, she started sleeping around with other potential providers)
(or more likely ‘bacon’ was hopelessly impotent)
(,,,which would explain his strong commitment to figuriing out how the world works)
(knowing that he’d have no children to offer the next generation)
(so she carried on an affair with the english courtier ‘sir john underhill’)
(who was 13 years younger than ‘bacon’)
(‘alice’ married ‘underhill’ in ‘1626’)
(only 11 days after ‘bacon’ was buried!)
(and in the church where he was ‘baptized’)
(‘underhill’ was 51 / ‘alice’ was 34)
(by then, ‘bacon’ had already written ‘alice’ out of his will)
(after finding out abut the ‘underhill’ affair)
*potential historical ‘true crime’ documentary*
(they were ‘estranged’ by 1625)
(‘alice’ + ‘underhill’)
(by 1639, they too became ‘estranged’)
(she was ’47’ / he was ’65’)
(they didn’t have any kids either)
(sens a pattern?)
(older englishmen)
(prominent englishmen’)
(becoming ‘estranged’ a few years before ‘divorce’)
(which probably wasn’t allowed back then)
(she she couldn’t have children)
(‘bacon served both as ‘attorney general’ + ‘lord chancellor’ of ‘england’)
(after his ‘death’, he remained extremely influential through his ‘works’, especially as ‘philosophical advocate’ (+ ‘practitioner of’) the ‘scientific method’ during the ‘scientific revolution’)
*bacon has been called the “father of empiricism”*
(his works argued for the possibility of ‘scientific knowledge’ based only upon ‘inductive’ + ‘careful’ observation of events in ‘nature’)
(most importantly, he argued this could be achieved by use of a ‘skeptical’ + ‘methodical’ approach whereby ‘scientists’ aim to avoid misleading themselves)
(…while his own ‘practical ideas’ about such a ‘method’ (called the baconian method) did not have a ‘long-lasting influence’, the general idea of the importance and possibility of a ‘skeptical methodology’ makes ‘bacon’…
(you got it…)
*the “father of the ‘scientific method’!!!*
(this marked a new turn in the ‘rhetorical’ + ‘theoretical’ framework for ‘science’, the practical details of which are still central in debates about ‘science’ + ‘methodology’ today)
(‘bacon’ was generally neglected at court by ‘queen elizabeth’, but after the accession of ‘king james I’ in ‘1603’, ‘bacon’ was ‘knighted’)
(he was later created ‘baron verulam’ in ‘1618’ + ‘viscount saint alban’ in ‘1621’)
(because he had no ‘heirs’, both titles became extinct upon his death in ‘1626’, at 65 years of age)
(‘bacon’ died of ‘pneumonia’, with one account by ‘john aubrey’ stating that he had contracted the condition while studying the effects of ‘freezing’ on the ‘preservation’ of ‘meat’)
(“geddit? bacon! he succumbed to the ‘cold’ while beating his meat”)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥